Physiotherapy treatment includes physical exercise, manual therapy and other physical techniques to restore healthy movement and the function of muscles. It is used in many diseases, especially for those patients who suffer from back, spine and joint pain.


Physiotherapy is an integral part of multidisciplinary treatment of chronic pain, because proper movement helps the human body to strengthen and reduce tension in the painful areas of the body.

It improves the patient's physical condition and functionality, increases stress resistance and makes it easier for the patient to cope with the symptoms of chronic pain.

Physiotherapy helps to renew, improve and maintain the functional condition of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other systems.

It also reduces back pain, improves physical body function, posture, and teaches the patient what preventive measures need to be taken to avoid pain in the future.

Clinic AGATAS specialists combine physical therapy with manual therapies, patient examination, diagnosis, passive and active mobilizations of joints and spine.


  • Musculoskeletal pain

  • Joints disorder

  • Radiculopathy

  • Limb numbness

  • Spinal nerve root compression (compression)

  • Headache and dizziness due to spinal problems

  • Lumbar spine, chest, neck pain

  • Intracranial nerve irritation

  • Spinal movement pain


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